Do you receive lots of junk mail for credit cards and mortgage loans? Much of it could be originating from your credit report. Worse yet, each of these offers may be slightly dragging down your credit score. This government-mandated site will prevent companies from contacting you.
Get a free credit report with no strings attached. is a government mandated site where, as a U.S. citizen, can view each of your three credit reports once per year. Don't be fooled by imposters like, where you may end up stuck in a credit monitoring service.
While there is no simple way to get your credit score for free, the people at have the next best thing: Answer 10 simple questions and it will estimate your FICO score. It's free, though they will try to sell you their products and services.
Answers the age-old question: Debit or credit? Beyond the potential fees associated with using your debit (or check card), you are giving up valuable consumer protections. This in-depth fact sheet weighs the pro's and con's of each method of payment and considers others, including checks, prepaid credit cards and more.